[1712.10057] Arrow of time and its reversal on IBM quantum computer
[1403.0575] Unification of bosonic and fermionic theories of spin liquids on the kagome lattice
[1606.05652] Symmetry protected gapless $Z_2$ spin liquids
[1801.00010] A quantum hydrodynamical description for scrambling and many-body chaos
[1801.00165] Room Temperature Superconductivity Revolution: Foreshadowed by Victorians, Enabled by Millenials
[1801.00315] Learning Relevant Features of Data with Multi-scale Tensor Networks
[1801.00499] Parity-Time-Symmetric Topological Superconductor
[1801.00645] Charge and spin correlations in the Monopole Liquid
[1801.00697] Weakly Interacting Topological Insulators: Quantum Criticality and Renormalization Group Approach
[1707.05812] Universal entropy of conformal critical theories on a Klein bottle
[1708.04619] Quantum Field Theory of X-Cube Fracton Topological Order and Robust Degeneracy from Geometry
[1708.06715] Topology and strong four fermion interactions in four dimensions
[1801.01071] Universality and Thouless energy in the supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
[1403.0575] Unification of bosonic and fermionic theories of spin liquids on the kagome lattice
[1606.05652] Symmetry protected gapless $Z_2$ spin liquids
[1801.00010] A quantum hydrodynamical description for scrambling and many-body chaos
[1801.00165] Room Temperature Superconductivity Revolution: Foreshadowed by Victorians, Enabled by Millenials
[1801.00315] Learning Relevant Features of Data with Multi-scale Tensor Networks
[1801.00499] Parity-Time-Symmetric Topological Superconductor
[1801.00645] Charge and spin correlations in the Monopole Liquid
[1801.00697] Weakly Interacting Topological Insulators: Quantum Criticality and Renormalization Group Approach
[1707.05812] Universal entropy of conformal critical theories on a Klein bottle
[1708.04619] Quantum Field Theory of X-Cube Fracton Topological Order and Robust Degeneracy from Geometry
[1708.06715] Topology and strong four fermion interactions in four dimensions
[1801.01071] Universality and Thouless energy in the supersymmetric Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model
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