[2003.13690] Charge Transfer Excitations, Pair Density Waves, and Superconductivity in Moiré Materials
[2003.13701] Topological Weaire-Thorpe models of amorphous matter
[2003.13702] Quantum Hall spin liquids and their possible realization in moiré systems
[2003.13709] Phases of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets on the square and triangular lattices
[2003.14075] Three-dimensional monopole-free CP(N-1) models
[2003.14305] Consistent scaling exponents at the deconfined quantum-critical point
[2003.13701] Topological Weaire-Thorpe models of amorphous matter
[2003.13702] Quantum Hall spin liquids and their possible realization in moiré systems
[2003.13709] Phases of frustrated quantum antiferromagnets on the square and triangular lattices
[2003.14075] Three-dimensional monopole-free CP(N-1) models
[2003.14305] Consistent scaling exponents at the deconfined quantum-critical point