Monday, 18 December 2017

[1712.03981] Critical phenomena at the complex tensor ordering phase transition

[1712.04021] Study of anyon condensation and topological phase transitions from a $\mathbb{Z}_4$ topological phase using Projected Entangled Pair States

[1712.04033] A Local Quantum Phase Transition in YFe$_{2}$Al$_{10}$

[1712.04136] Non-Commutative Chern Numbers for Generic Aperiodic Discrete Systems

[1712.04179] Phase transitions on a ladder of braided non-Abelian anyons

[1712.04300] Magnetization of topological line-node semimetals

[1712.04511] X-Cube Model on Generic Lattices: New Phases and Geometric Order

[1712.04933] A master bosonization duality

[1712.04942] Superuniversality and non-abelian bosonization in $2+1$ dimensions

[1712.04943] Localization of Extended Quantum Objects

[1712.05073] Quantum ergodicity in the SYK model

[1712.05113] Pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors confined by Fermi surface topology

[1712.05377] $\mathbb{Z}_3$ Topological Order in Face Centered Cubic Quantum Plaquette Model

[1712.05400] Itinerant quantum multi-criticality of two dimensional Dirac fermions